Lottery Registration 00025/39

Reach for a Dream non-profit organisation no: 004/109

Dream Raffle

Opens 1 July 2024

Tel: 011 880 1740

Zakhe’s Sweet Surprise

East London dreamer Zakhe (11) is absolutely crazy about chocolates and loves to bake. She dreamt of having lots of chocolate and baking her very own chocolate cake. We surprised Zakhe with a baking outfit, chocolate hamper, baking toys and a very special trip to Bee’s Cupcake Corner where she got to bake her very own pony themed chocolate cake. Thank you to Bee’s Cupcake Corner for sponsoring the cake baking and thank you to GALA 03 for making this dream a reality.

Number of
tickets required

Pay for 10 tickets and receive
the 11th ticket free

Specific ticket number between 1 and 10000

Pay for 10 tickets and receive
the 11th ticket free

Number of Consecutive
tickets required

Pay for 10 tickets and receive
the 11th ticket free